Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Artist Research: Nobuhiro Nakanishi

Nobuhiro Nakanishi is a Japanese sculpture and instillation artist, born in 1976. A lot of his works conceive of what he calls "layered drawings", where there are stacks upon stacks of clear acrylic panels. Nakanishi most commonly photographs forest scenery, sunsets, and landscapes over a set of time. Then he prints the photos onto the panels. He then stacks the dozens of printed panels onto a wall and arranges them chronologically. I really enjoy the 3d effect this gives, as if I'm looking through a window into 3 dimensional space.

Artist Statement:
"I attempt to depict time and space as sensations shared by both viewer and artist.”

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Project 4 Proposal

For this project I will have a board of nails or pins in which participants/viewers will take string and place them on two nails to make a line. In the end a image will be made from the collective participants. Therefore, end result is up to the viewers, in which I have no control over


April 12: get  materials 
April 18: drill in nails to board
April 30: presents

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Project 3 Artist Statement & Documentation

I have always had an interest for science especially space science and from that interest of outer space, I was inspired to transform my room into a solar/planetary system (not to scale of course). Like my last project I wanted what was being  projected to feel surreal as if it was really there.

I would have rather had the beach balls hang from the ceiling with fishing line but it was too difficult to get a hook into the ceiling to tie the fishing line on. I would have also preferred the time of day to be night, where much light couldn't escape from the behind the curtains.

However I am happy how well the spray paint made the color of the beach ball look uniform and reflected the light of the projector and directly attaching the balls to the ceiling didn't end up looking too bad.

Project 3 Process Post 3

I imported animated planets into MadMapper then positioned the images with the hanging beach balls.

Project 3 Project Post 2

With the beach balls I spray painted them white, then used hot glue to stick them onto the ceiling.

Project 3 Process Post 1

I bought 4 beach balls which were very cheap, only 99¢. However they have colours which will show when being projected on, so later I will need to buy white spray paint.