Thursday, May 2, 2019

Project 4: Artist Statement & Documentation

For this project, I wanted the interaction to be the viewer discovering and changing the “sculpture” and image of the art piece in general. I took inspiration from children’s pop up books, from turning the pages and being surprised from what’s  inside. 
I did have difficulties and challenges during this project. Because the boards are heavier and denser then the one used for project 2, the hot glue could not hold the structure and it feel apart. So I would recommend duct tape to also help with the foundation. 
Overall I’m glad I was able to complete my vision for this project and keep the theme throughout the semester of child-like discovery and curiosity.

Project 4: Process Post 3

I imported my 5 illustrations into MapMapper and positioned them relatively to the shape of the windows of the house.

Project 4: Process Post 2

I bought 2, 2x3ft marker / black boards. I then went to the wood shop on campus. I cut four walls and 4 windows and a door into the wall planks. I then drills holes into the side of the windows an window frames in order to tie strings between the window and window from so that the windows can swing open and close.

Project 4: Process Post 1

I started to illustrate the five different rooms for the house; office, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and living room. I used sketch book to illustrate.